small wooden patio bench

patio bench – ideal for a small area..

As the UK population grows, outdoor space at home becomes tighter. A patio bench is perfect for those cosy little areas. Smaller spaces are a great place for many couples to embark and start their journey of life together. Smaller homes often come with very little outdoor space so it can be difficult to get the most from it. Patio benches are perfect for providing … Continue reading patio bench – ideal for a small area..

teak garden bench on a patio

why buy a teak garden bench..

Leave the hustle and bustle of work behind us and head out into the garden! Simply by sitting on a teak garden bench, whether its for five minutes or longer, gives us time to refocus ourselves. Take 5 on your Teak Garden Bench We are the generation who are non stop, the ones who lead busy lives and who rarely stop but what if we … Continue reading why buy a teak garden bench..