a row of remembrance day benches

remembrance day bench – respectful and thoughtful

Every year without fail, the Legion calls upon the nation to unite in order to commemorate Armistice Day. Often symbolised with a Remembrance Day Bench. This year it will fall upon Monday 11th November. Many ceremonies take place on Remembrance Sunday which will be the day before. What is it all about really and why do we take two minutes for a moment of silence? … Continue reading remembrance day bench – respectful and thoughtful

a beautiful memorial bench with a flag

a memorial bench tribute

When people create a memorial bench for their loved ones, what they do not see is that in fact they create public works of art. At face value they are crafted physical objects. More often than not engraved with text, placed in significant locations special to the deceased or their family. But what is so fascinating is the journey a memorial bench takes . From … Continue reading a memorial bench tribute

a Remembrance Bench looking over a lake

remembrance bench – whats the story behind it?

I will often visit local woodlands, parks and nature reserves and along the way I can guarantee I will come across a remembrance bench of some kind. Whilst I might take some time to sit down, rest and to have a drink there is always something that triggers my inner curiosity . Something that sparks a conversation. Whose bench is are we remembering? I cannot help … Continue reading remembrance bench – whats the story behind it?